Our troop participates in a variety of fund-raisers throughout the year.
We strongly encourage all Scouts and families to participate in these events. Keeping in mind that “A Scout is Thrifty,” the profits from these fund-raisers are divided among Scouts (and parents) based on how many tickets they sell or hours they work, as appropriate, and are deposited into the Scout’s Scout Account, kept by the treasurer. Council fundraisers such as Popcorn and Camp card earnings go directly to the Scout that sells- commissions each year vary. Scouts may use these funds to pay for troop activities, camping equipment, etc. Funds are put into a “Scout Account” for each Scout.
Note: Any unused Scout Account funds revert to the Troop’s general account if the Scout is no longer a member of the troop and/or does not re-register to maintain their active status. If a Scout transitions to another BSA/Scouting America Troop while active only funds may be given to the new BSA/Scouting America Troop directly only if registration is confirmed.
Troop camping trips are paid for by the participants on the trip. However, our troop also provides its Scouts with a number of services and goods such as rank patches, awards, troop supplies, etc., that are not part of these event expenses. In order to ensure that we have sufficient operating funds, and to allow us to devote our fund-raiser profits entirely to individual Scout accounts, we have a yearly Activity Fee.
This Activity Fee is $120 per Scout per year. It includes our registration payment to the Council as well as Council accident insurance, and our troop’s operating expenses. For new Scouts, these fees should be paid upon joining the troop. When we do the annual re-charter each January, the payment for the following year should be made.
Scouts are encouraged to use Scout Account funds from their fundraising efforts to pay for their Activity Fees.
Note: Scouts whose Activity Fees are not paid will not be eligible to participate in Troop camping and other events.
We do not want any Scouts to choose not to participate in Scouting for financial reasons. Many council-level activities, such as Camp Rainey Mountain, have “camperships” available. Our Troop offers various fundraising opportunities throughout the year that Scouts and families may take advantage of to earn funds for BSA related activities. Scouts or parents interested in making a contribution to a Troop Scholarship Account should speak with the troop treasurer. Scouts or parents who would like to access the scholarship funds (if available), should speak with the Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, or Treasurer; these communications will be kept confidential within the Scholarship Committee.